Creating a Media Image Gallery
You can use our plugin to create a media gallery. Create a basic media gallery that links to the image posts: Use our colorbox addin to display a gallery in…
You can use our plugin to create a media gallery. Create a basic media gallery that links to the image posts: Use our colorbox addin to display a gallery in…
id The id number of a saved grid. Our shortcode generator allows you to save your options to the database while using our shortcode generator. Simply go into the shortcode…
WordPress allows queries of tags. Tags apply to posts, and also to custom posts or attachments that have this feature enabled, the shortcode generator does not generate codes for the…
The plugin allows posts to be ordered by all of the options in the codex. the codex. You should familiarize yourself with 'orderby' before using this option. Currently only a…
Posts can be queried by meta values as defined in the codex. You should familiarize yourself with these before using this advanced functionality. When querying on checkbox values, sometimes you…
The plugin allows you to query by page & post according to the WordPress codex . You should familiarize yourself with this feature. The shortcode generator does not generate the…
author__in returns posts authored by a comma delimited list of authors id's or a single id. author__not_in returns posts that are not authored by a comma delimited list of authors…
before display posts before the date after display posts after a specific date today today can be used in place of the before or after settings.
Filtered Grids use the Isotope.Js plugin to create menus based on associated taxonomies. Normally you would not use paging with these grids, and instead display all items. displayas displayas defaults…
subcaptionx Choose a field value for an infinite number of sub captions, besides the default 'author' and 'date' options, you can choose from taxonomy values, meta values, and even image…