Actions & Filters

When using filter and actions, use a filter priority above 10. We apply most of our filters around 15 or 16. To apply filters before our plugin, use a filter below 15. To apply filters after ours, use a filter above 15.

Here are some of the filters available in the plugin. See the free colorbox addon for an example on creating an addon for the plugin.

This may not be a complete list. Please search through the code for apply_filters and do_action for more filters and actions.



add_action_once ( featured_image_pro_masonry_register_scripts’, ‘myaction', 16 );

function myaction()

add_filter_once ('proto_grid_container_class', ‘myfunction’, 16, 2);

function myfunction($class, $options)
     $class = $class . $options[‘somesetting’];


Initialize before the grid is created

    $options //array of widget options

Execute an action after the query

    $query, //query results
    $attributes //the query attributes


Add a class to the grid container element

    $gridclass, //current grid class
    $options //array of widget options

returns modified grid class

Extract options from the arguments sent to the widget

Use this to filter out your own options from the shortcode for later use.

Move options from the $args array to the $options array and return the $options array.

    $options,  //current array of options
    $args //arguments sent to the widget

returns modified options

Insert additional styles into the inline styles

    $styles, //current inline styles 
    $options //array of widget options

returns inline styles

Append additional scripts to the footer script.

You must encapsulate your scripts with script tags (note, this has changed since version 2 of the plugin)

$script = "
//some data

    $script, //current footer scripts
    $options //array of widget options

returns footer scripts

Add a style to the inline styles for the excerpts

    $excerptstyle, //current inline styles for the excerpts
    $options //array of widget options

returns inline styles for excerpts

Add a style to the inline styles for the figcaption element

    $captionstyle, //current inline styles for the figcaption element
    $options //array of widget options

returns styles for the figcaption element

Add a style to the inline styles for the grid items

    $itemstyle, //current inline styles for the grid items
    $options //array of widget options

returns styles for the grid items

Add a style to the inline styles for the grid

    $gridstyle, //current inline styles for the grid
    $options //array of widget options

returns styles for the grid

Add a style to the inline styles for the images

    $imagestyle, //current inline styles for the grid items
    $options //array of widget options

returns styles for the images

Insert options into the masonry json script

    $script, //masonry script
    $options //array of widget options

returns masonry script

Apply Filters to the title for specific posts

(replaces proto_image_pro_post_title)

    $title, //post caption/title
    $options, //array of  widget options
    $postid //post identifier

return title/caption

Append to the title/caption

(replaces ‘proto_image_after_caption')

    $extra, //elements & text to be appended after the caption
    $options, //array of widget options
    $postid //the post ID

returns content to be displayed after the title/caption

Add/remove/change properties to an image object

(replaces ‘proto_snap_image_object')
$img, //image object
$options, //array of widget options
$postid //the post ID );


returns image object

Add/remove/change properties to an attachment object

    $attobject, //attachment option
    $options, //array of widget options
    $_query //WordPress query object

return attachment object

Remove Filters

Filters must be removed after every grid. Add an action to remove your filters.
