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Guest Author List

Guest Authors is displayed in the menu of the admin panel. From here, you can edit and add authors. If you click on ‘view’ you can see the posts ‘written’ by the guest author.

Guest Author

Click on ‘Add New’ to add a new Guest Author or select any Guest Author in the list to edit. You can also conveniently add new guest authors while editing a post.

Author Name & Bio

Enter the Guest Author Name and Guest Author Description/Bio.

Guest Author Image

In the Author Image meta box, upload & add an image of the author.  You will find this section in the same location where you would add a Featured Image in a post.

Guest Author Additional Info

These settings are available to ensure that our premium plugin is compatible with guest authors that have been upgraded from our free plugin and also compatable with the WordPress users. There are some cases in which you may want to use these settings, depending on the author and other plugins that you are using.

Alternative to adding an image from the media library, you can  use the users email to retrieve a gravatar image for the Guest Author. Gravatar images are the standard image used for WordPress authors. The images are associated with an email address. If you use this method, make sure that you have the authors correct email address for his or her gravatar. If there is an image from the media library, the gravatar will not be used.

Use the website url to link the author to his or her website instead of the archived list of posts associated with this guest author.  Unlike the free version, you can link to the guest authors archive post list in our premium version, but guest authors converted from the free plugin will still have this setting for backward compatibility. By default, the plugin checks for this url before creating your author link.

See the  settings  for more information on the options for this field.  You may see a checkbox allowing you to choose whether or not to use the url for the author link or this author link will never be used.

Depending on the settings, you might see a checkbox under the Website Link.

Completed WordPress Guest Author