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Get a list of guest authors
gap_get_all_authors($as_array = false, $posts_per_page = null, $orderby = null, $order=nul)
$as_array true/false -An array is returned in either case. When set to false, returns an array of post objects.. When set to true, returns an array of guest author names with the id as key
$posts_per_page – number of guest authors to return. By default, all guest authors are returned.
$orderby – order of the list. Default is title.
$order – desc – descending, asc-ascending.
Get All Authors
Returns a list of all authors / users and guest authors, ordered by title., indexed by ‘u’ + key if the author is a WordPress user or ‘g’ + key if the author is a guest author.
gap_extract_author( $authorid )
$authorid – an author id from the array returned gap_get_all_authors
Returns an author id object from the above list without a ‘g’ or a ‘u’.
$author->letter //’g’ or ‘u’
$author->author_id //the id
Get the Guest Author Link
gap_get_guest_author_link( $id, $url = ”) //Get the url for the guest author
$id – the Guest Author Id (required)
$url – existing url (optional)
This function returns either the permalink or the website url depending on the settings.
gap_get_the_guest_author_posts_url( $authorid, $class=”, $id = ”)
$authorid – the Guest Author Id
$class – hyperlink class
$id – hyperlink id
This function returns hyperlink from above function with the author name as text
Guest Author Permalink
$id – The Guest Author Id
Returns the permalink for the guest author post.
Guest Author Website
$id = guest author id
This function returns the authors website if it is set.
Guest Author Avatar
gap_get_guest_avatar($id=0, $imagesize=null) //get the guest author avatar html
$id = guest author id. If set to zero, the current post is used.
$imagesize = wordpress size (thumbnail/medium/large)
Returns the html code for the guest author avatar
gap_get_guest_avatar_url($id, $imagesize=’thumbnail’) //get the url to the guest author avatar
$id = guest author id
$imagesize = wordpress size (thumbnail/medium/large)
Returns the url for the guest author.
gap_get_guest_avatar_by_authorid($authorid, $imagesize = null)
$authorid – Guest author id
$imagesize = wordpress size (thumbnail/medium/large)
Returns the avatar html for a specific author id (called by gap_get_guest_author)
Check an Archive Query
Checks to see if the current query is a guest author query.
Returns true if the current query is a guest archive query.
User Archive Queries
Generate a query for a user with guest authors stripped.
gap_wordpress_user_archive_query( $id, $args )
$id = user id
$args = additional WordPress query arguments.
Returns posts for the specific user
gap_guest_author_archive_query( $id, $args )
$id = Guest Author id
$args = additional WordPress query arguments
Returns posts from enabled post types for the specific Guest Author.
Get Author Metadata
gap_get_guest_author_meta($guest_id = null, $meta_key, $single=true)
$guest_id – Guest Author Id. If this is not set, the id is retrieved from the post
$meta_key – the meta key
$single – true/ return a single value (set get_post_meta)
Returns the meta value
gap_guest_author_email($id = null)
$id – the guest author id. If not entered, the value will be determined based on the current post
returns the authors email address.
Get the Author Website LInk
$id – the guest author id. If not entered, the value will be determined based on the current post
returns the authors website url
Get the Author Name
ap_guest_author_name( $id = null )
$id – the guest author id. If not entered, the value will be determined based on the current post
returns the authors name
Get the Author Description/Bio
function gap_guest_author_description( $id = null )
$id – the guest author id. If not entered, the value will be determined based on the current post
returns the authors description
Get the Author Data for Guest Author
$authorid -Guest Author Id
returns a WordPress authordata object
$postid – the post id
returns a WordPress authordata object if the post is an guest author post.
Misc Functions to get the Guest Author
gap_get_guest_author_by_title( $title)
gets the author by author name
$title – author name
returns the a guest author custom post type
Essentially the same as above but uses SQL instead of a query.
$title = author name
returns guest author post
gap_get_guest_author_id( $post_id = null)
get the guest author id from the current post or a selected post id
$post_id – specific post id. When null uses the curren tpost
Returns a guest author id if the post has a guest author
Override the Guest Author
guest_author_disable() – disables guest author functionality and saves all global variables.
guest_author_enable() – re-enables guest author functionality and resets all global variables.
Use these functions to override the guest author. This may be necessary in some themes.
The code below bypasses the guest author avatar and only retrieves the user avatar.
get_avatar( get_current_user_id(), 100 ) //now get the original avatar
Override userdata.
In version 3.0+, the author query for guest author post archives now returns the guest author data in the queried object field. You can add this code to your custom theme functions or override the pluggable get_userdata function by adding this code.
if ( is_author() )
global $wp_query;
if ( isset($wp_query) && $wp_query->is_guest_author )
if ($wp_query->is_guest_author)
$userdata = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
Get a list of guest authors
($as_array = false, $posts_per_page = null, $orderby = null, $order=nul)
$as_array true/false -An array is returned in either case. When set to false, returns an array of post objects.. When set to true, returns an array of guest author names
$posts_per_page – number of guest authors to return. By default, all guest authors are returned.
$orderby – order of the list. Default is title.
$order – desc – descending, asc-ascending.
Guest Author Link
gap_get_guest_author_link( $id, $url = ”) //Get the url for the guest author
$id – the Guest Author Id (required)
$url – existing url (optional)
This function returns either the permalink or the website url depending on the settings.
Guest Author Permalink
$id – The Guest Author Id
Returns the permalink.
Guest Author Avatar
gap_get_guest_avatar($id) //get the guest author avatar html
gap_get_guest_avatar_url($id) //get the url to the guest author avatar
Override the Guest Author Avatar in a post
To override the guest author avatar within a post, you need to set the guest_author_post_id to 0 or null before calling the function to get the avatar.
global $guest_author_post_id; //global variable
$guest_author_save = $guest_author_post_id; //save the value
$guest_author_post_id=0; //clear the post id
get_avatar( get_current_user_id(), 100 ) //now get the original avatar
$guest_author_post_id = $guest_author_save; //set the guest author post id back to what it was
Guest Author Helper Class
As of version 3.0, A helper class, guest-author-class.php is included with the plugin that allows you to get the userdata for a guest author. This file is located in the /helpers directory.
object_id – (optional) default = current post id. This value can be any custom post id or a guest author id.
getauthor – (optional) default = false. Sets the value $class->authordata to the authors userdata.
guest_author_class( $object_id, $true );
Get the author data for the current post:
-Use the guest author class-
$class= guest_author_class( null, true );
$authordata = $class->authordata;
-or the global functions below -
Get authordata by author id
$authorid – the id for the author. Optional when an object id was sent to the class constructor..
$authorid = $class->get_guest_author_by_id ($authorid);
-or the global function -
$authorid = gap_get_guest_author_by_id ($authorid);
Get authordata by post id
$post_id = the id for the post. Optional when an object id was sent to the class constructor.
$authurdata = $class->get_guest_author_by_post($post_id = null)
-or the global function-
authordata = gap_get_guest_author_by_post ( $post_id = null );
Get the guest id from a post
$post_id – the id for the post. Optional when an object id was sent to the class constructor.
$guest_id = $class->get_guest_author_id ($postid = null);
-or the global function-
$guest_id = gap_get_guest_author_id($postid = null);
Get a meta value from the guest author
Possible meta values:
‘facebook’, ‘twitter’, ‘linkedin’, ‘google-plus’, ‘googleplus’, ‘youtube’, ‘instagram’, ‘tumblr’, ‘pinterest’
The guest_id can be set to null to use the id that was set when the class was created. That information is based on the post id.
$meta_value = $class->get_guest_author_meta( $guest_id , $meta_key , $single=true )
-or the global function-
gap_get_guest_author_meta ($guest_id, $meta_key, $single=true);
Get the guest author website, email, description, name
These functions get an authors website, email, description or name.
The guest_id can be set to null to use the id that was set when the class was created. That information is based on the post id.
guest_id is optional if the object id was set in the class constructor.
$website = $class->guest_author_link($guest_id) -or the global function- gap_guest_author_link($guest_id);
$email = $class->guest_author_email($guest_id) -or the global function- gap_guest_author_email($guest_id);
$description = $class->guest_author_description($guest_id) -or the global function- gap_guest_author_description($guest_id);
$name = $class->guest_author_name($guest_id) -or the global function- gap_guest_author_name($guest_id);